09-21-2018, 06:40 PM
RuneScape Community Rules
1. Do not create more than one account on RSC. Secondary accounts will be banned. Accounts created to circumvent a ban or suspension will be banned. If you and other members of your immediate family have separate accounts, please inform a Senior Moderator of this so we can make a note on your account.
2. Do not use your account for the purposes of advertising another site. Accounts created solely to advertise will be banned. We do allow advertisements for Clan members attempting to recruit individuals into their Clan but only in the Recruiting forum. However, a clear link back to RSC is required.
3. Do not use your account to post objectionable material on this site. Objectionable material includes, but is not limited to: pornography, violent or graphic images, racist, homophobic, sexist or other defamatory posts or images or links to download sites (which could potentially contain viruses or keyloggers). Accounts which make these type of posts or topics will be banned. This includes avatars and signatures.
4. Do not promote any type of RuneScape rule breaking activity. This includes, but is not limited to: account trading, account buying or selling, account sharing, scams, or the advertising or encouragement of private servers. Accounts made solely to advertise breaking Runescape rules will be banned. While our Rules mirror those of RuneScape, RSC' rules will always take precedent over Jagex's rules.
5. Do not use your account to claim that you are someone that you are not (impersonation) or post information or images which were not created by you (plagiarism). If you are accused of impersonation or plagiarism, you will be required to prove that you are who you say you are. Accounts made solely to impersonate or plagiarize will be banned.
6. Do not make threats against the security of this website or any of its users. Individuals who threaten another user will be either suspended or banned, based on the severity of the threats. Individuals who threaten the security of RSC will be banned. This includes the use of hacking or ddosing on or off site.
Common Courtesy
1. Treat all other users civilly. Real life insults will be deleted and may result in an increase of your warn level at the Moderator's discretion.
2. Please respect decisions made by Staff members. If an offensive post, signature or avatar is removed by a Moderator, resubmitting the material again will lead to a warning level increase. If you feel that an action taken against your account was wrong, you can appeal by contacting a Senior Moderator privately via PM.
3. The language of the forums and content is English; non-English posts will be deleted.
4. Please avoid spamming our site. Persistent low effort posts will result in a warning. Continued low effort posts may result in a suspension. Individuals who intentionally spam in order to reach the 50 posts requirement for the Member rank will be suspended and their post count edited to zero posts.
5. Please do not create topics directed towards one individual user. Instead, use the Private Message system to direct your comments directly to the person you wish to speak with. Please appeal all actions in private through our Private Message system to a Senior Moderator.
6. Please do not encourage others to violate our rules.
7. Please report rule breaking posts or threads via the report tool at the bottom of the post. Adding to their spam is not helping yourself nor the Community.
8. Signature limits are 150x500 pixels. Signatures that stretch out the page will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.
Warn Level
When a member breaks the Rules, they will receive an increase in warn level. Warn levels will drop after a fixed amount of time depending on the severity of the offences you've racked up. Every 20% threshold will result in a suspension of a fixed length as follows:
20%: Three day suspension
40%: Seven day suspension
60%: Fourteen day suspension
80%: Twenty One day suspension
100%: Permanent ban
Admins reserve the right to ban problem users before they reach 100%.
1. Do not create more than one account on RSC. Secondary accounts will be banned. Accounts created to circumvent a ban or suspension will be banned. If you and other members of your immediate family have separate accounts, please inform a Senior Moderator of this so we can make a note on your account.
2. Do not use your account for the purposes of advertising another site. Accounts created solely to advertise will be banned. We do allow advertisements for Clan members attempting to recruit individuals into their Clan but only in the Recruiting forum. However, a clear link back to RSC is required.
3. Do not use your account to post objectionable material on this site. Objectionable material includes, but is not limited to: pornography, violent or graphic images, racist, homophobic, sexist or other defamatory posts or images or links to download sites (which could potentially contain viruses or keyloggers). Accounts which make these type of posts or topics will be banned. This includes avatars and signatures.
4. Do not promote any type of RuneScape rule breaking activity. This includes, but is not limited to: account trading, account buying or selling, account sharing, scams, or the advertising or encouragement of private servers. Accounts made solely to advertise breaking Runescape rules will be banned. While our Rules mirror those of RuneScape, RSC' rules will always take precedent over Jagex's rules.
5. Do not use your account to claim that you are someone that you are not (impersonation) or post information or images which were not created by you (plagiarism). If you are accused of impersonation or plagiarism, you will be required to prove that you are who you say you are. Accounts made solely to impersonate or plagiarize will be banned.
6. Do not make threats against the security of this website or any of its users. Individuals who threaten another user will be either suspended or banned, based on the severity of the threats. Individuals who threaten the security of RSC will be banned. This includes the use of hacking or ddosing on or off site.
Common Courtesy
1. Treat all other users civilly. Real life insults will be deleted and may result in an increase of your warn level at the Moderator's discretion.
2. Please respect decisions made by Staff members. If an offensive post, signature or avatar is removed by a Moderator, resubmitting the material again will lead to a warning level increase. If you feel that an action taken against your account was wrong, you can appeal by contacting a Senior Moderator privately via PM.
3. The language of the forums and content is English; non-English posts will be deleted.
4. Please avoid spamming our site. Persistent low effort posts will result in a warning. Continued low effort posts may result in a suspension. Individuals who intentionally spam in order to reach the 50 posts requirement for the Member rank will be suspended and their post count edited to zero posts.
5. Please do not create topics directed towards one individual user. Instead, use the Private Message system to direct your comments directly to the person you wish to speak with. Please appeal all actions in private through our Private Message system to a Senior Moderator.
6. Please do not encourage others to violate our rules.
7. Please report rule breaking posts or threads via the report tool at the bottom of the post. Adding to their spam is not helping yourself nor the Community.
8. Signature limits are 150x500 pixels. Signatures that stretch out the page will be removed at the Moderator's discretion.
Warn Level
When a member breaks the Rules, they will receive an increase in warn level. Warn levels will drop after a fixed amount of time depending on the severity of the offences you've racked up. Every 20% threshold will result in a suspension of a fixed length as follows:
20%: Three day suspension
40%: Seven day suspension
60%: Fourteen day suspension
80%: Twenty One day suspension
100%: Permanent ban
Admins reserve the right to ban problem users before they reach 100%.