RuneScape Community Forums (since 2001)

Full Version: Hello My Name Is
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Hey I am Metal Adidas the badass who led Dark Legion from 2004 to 2008 and then gave up. Came back in 2015 and then quit briefly, and then started back again in 2017. Right now I am lvl 90 and 72 with 2 obby pure accounts with also some pures, as well. I will probably not be playing for long since I'm about to go hit the real wild soon to take a break from all this hazy rep and then I'll come back in let's say 6-10 months for a final start, then I'm starting my clan back up. I don't think this forum will last, but if it does I will definitely be a part of it.

I also make music and do art you can find that stuff at or still though I believe it's just autonomy that makes us locked into these habitual realms that make us feel like we actually did something, but oh well have a nice 18 Huh
I thought you were gonna say your name was Slim Shady for a second there.

Welcome to the boards!
UBH vs DL was my first rivalry lol

Also.. a long time ago, when I was known under a different name (And you were known as "Slashmatty"), we use to play Castle Wars ^_^
I don't know why but I sung the whole post in a country singer voice in my head.
I like ur name