RuneScape Community Forums (since 2001)

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hello all it’s Anomaly here. I started my runescape journey in 2006 or early 2007 as a way to keep up with some irl friends that were playing. I soon realized I was never going to keep up with them in game so I did my own thing and ended up getting really high fishing while they did pvp. Over time I green into a pvper and have been in somebody really solid clans. 

Hopefully I get to know all of you soon.
Hey! Whats ur clan history?
Sucks to hear that your mates ditched you like that, or let you drift away at least... 

Fishing was the best way to kill time for me. A friend and I would just go to Karamja or the Guild and talk nonstop shit in public, haha. So many good memories, so many times brought to tears or laughter...